GcSoft Geocaching Software
Waypoint Stitcher v1.0
[Waypoint Stitcher]

Combine two or more GPX or LOC waypoint files into a single file.

Sometimes you may download several waypoint files from a site and want to put them on your GPS, but uploading each one individually is cumbersome. Or perhaps you have a program that analyses single waypoint files, and you have several files you’d like to merge so you can analyse them all at once.

This program allows the user to select a number of waypoint files (in either GPX or LOC format) and merge them into a single file. The program will report how many files were merged, how many waypoints are in the combined file, and where it is located.

Click on the thumbnail below to view a full sized screen shot of the registered program.

[Waypoint Stitcher Screenshot]

This program is completely free! Use registration code 1199987 to register your copy.

If you're interested in using coupons for this program as geocache swag, you can find printable PDF certificates here.